Over the weekend Leonard McQuown stated that he was in Texas, but once again failed to pinpoint his location. The kind and generous souls who support him do not question him because in their minds, like the rest of us, it is hard to fathom that someone would use the plight of our homeless veterans for personal financial gain. He also skirted the questions regarding his three day stay at the Red Oak Inn in DeQuincy, LA when he claimed to be walking during the time he was staying in the motel paid for by donations of others. Also of note, TO DATE the fraud he committed with Raven's Outreach homeless veterans organization has NOT been rectified, nor has it been addressed by McQuown.
On April 13, 2014 McQuown stated that he was taking the whole weekend off.
Today McQuown posted this on his Facebook page: How did McQuown get there if he took the entire weekend off and was last seen in Orange, TX? Why is he covering his movements if he is in fact a LEGITIMATE operation?
He has made his way into Beaumont, and again the question is posed: IF McQuown is a legitimate walking charity, WHY is he not being transparent in his movements and his actions? One would think that transparency would negate the cloud of suspicion hanging over him. While it is not known if McQuown has committed a criminal act - that is to be decided by the state Attorney Generals of the states he travels through, but let there be NO DOUBT that Leonard McQuown is not only MORALLY BANKRUPT, but is an ethical criminal preying on the hearts and wallets of genuinely good people who wish to make the world a better place via their donations and support.
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