Saturday, March 29, 2014

Deserter Deflection: His Facebook Wall His Rules

McQuown left his post for 200 days while a Sergeant in the USMC.  He abandoned his post and left without permission which resulted in an other than honorable discharge.  For years he LIED about his prior service record, and when exposed he continued to embellish his service record.  Now McQuown feels that he has the right to make demands of those he requests donations from by refusing to "reply, comment or for that matter even acknowledge any and all comments and/or questions regarding [his] past military record and/or prior civilian criminal record".

Let's take an honest look at this new demand.  First, McQuown has a FRAUDULENT past via the receipt of monies or services that he did not pay for.  He has been accused of taking $80,000 by an individual for his Project Foot which the State of Virginia warned consumers NOT to donate to because of the lack of transparency and non-existence of proper 501(c)(3) documentation with the state.  He has been accused of and proven to have made a donation to Raven's Outreach only to request a refund from PayPal two hours later.  He took back money to avoid spending that money on homeless veterans who need it -- which his whole purpose for walking is supposed to be about. McQuown has a duty and legal responsibility to maintain proper records and document exactly where the money he receives is being channeled.  Thus far, he has not.

McQuown claims to want to be "in tune with the homeless veterans he is helping".  How is sleeping in a warm bed at night being "in tune" with the homeless?  How is deciding whether you want to walk in the rain being "in tune" with the homeless?

he’ll sleep in a motel, thanks to someone offering to pay for it. When he started his trip, he tried to sleep at fire stations. But now, McQuown often sleeps outdoors, weather permitting, or in his tent so he can be in tune with the homeless veterans he is helping.
Sponsors and donors are supporting his travels, which began 2½ years ago in Virginia and will continue for another six years. He was living with his sister in Florida before starting the extreme road trip, and he said his family “has been behind me 110 percent. … I’ve always had that extra adventurous gene in me,” and his family realizes that and is supportive.

He is now refusing to discuss his past but still wants innocent, unknowing public to donate to his "walk"?  The more McQuown refuses to speak the more guilty of being a con-artist he appears to be.  He should be 100% transparent and want to show proof of his donations because of all of the allegations of impropriety.  Instead, he parties in New Orleans - more than an hour in the opposite direction of his walk.  How far has McQuown actually walked this month?  He has claimed that he is sleeping outside for the homeless vets, but that hasn't stopped him from holing up in hotels for days and weeks at a time to begin his "walk" again when it suits him.

Do your research on this grifter before you give him your money and demand that he provide documentation for all expenses and donations accepted while on his fraudulent walk across America.


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